Back at work

Finally back at work ….. so many emails to read and so many deadlines to meet but I am happy …. coz the trip was worth it all. At least for now I know what I need to do for these next few months …. study the word of God, watch my diet and exercise so that I can walk around in my shorts in Bali in March 2009.

Ok back to work 😉

~ by sbanboy on November 17, 2008.

7 Responses to “Back at work”

  1. Happy Monday To You! You sound cheerful now.

    Going Bali?

    How nice!

  2. Ah~ March is a nice time to go to Bali~ and yes, you sound so cheerful on a monday~

  3. twilight zone
    Going in March 2009 🙂

    Really looking forward to it but I will be a lamp post la coz I am going with a couple before they get married ..hehe

    fable frog
    I figured I better be cheerful on Monday so that I can remain cheerful the rest of the week …hehe

    March is a good time ? Great !

  4. Hello Tiang Lampu, you better get Lifebook go along so that when the couple go hold hands, you both go chill out at Hard Rock Cafe!

    Fable, can you tell me why March is good month? I am curious la since they have no 4 seasons.

  5. Yee?
    How come so dark geh?

  6. Walk around in your shorts, just like those beach boys? Good luck.

  7. twilight zone
    yeah be lamp post loh … nevermind I bring my nintendo ds along 🙂

    wanted to try a dark theme and another reason was so that the pics can stand out … did it work ?

    Hmmm maybe I will still use my t-shirt 🙂

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