My 2 constant companion

My job during the trip was to shoot photos and I was armed with my good ole Canon EOS 350D fitted with the Tamron f2.8 28-75mm lens and my compact camera, Finepix F100FD.

During meetings, I will usually use my 350D with my flash for indoor pictures. Most of the time when I am in the meetings I will use my finepix f100fd for candid shoots and wide angle shots. I found that it was helpful to have both dslr and compact camera along and because of that I was able to capture a variety of shots. I even managed to take a few pre wedding pictures for my friends who will be getting married next year… as they are also in the team from Malaysia.

~ by sbanboy on November 15, 2008.

One Response to “My 2 constant companion”

  1. Camera mania!

    LOL, sorry couldn’t resist. Have caught the camera bug. Waiting to get a compact to replace my old.

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