Just landed in

Just landed in Singapore and I am waiting to board my connecting flight which is at 835am. I should be in KLIA by 930 am … and be back in Seremban by noon. Thank God for a safe flight…will post more later … esp the pictures after I have taken a rest.


~ by sbanboy on November 13, 2008.

6 Responses to “Just landed in”

  1. Bro, Welcome back … i’m not flying off this week… let’s have meal next week then 🙂

  2. Selamat Berangkat Pulang Ke Malaysia! Hope you will have good teh tarek & nasi lemak for breakfast. Your photosssssss? Quick!

  3. Welcome home.. Rest well///

  4. Welcome home my son. 🙂

  5. Welcome back! Hope you have a good rest and be refreshed.

  6. tz
    Give me a buzz and we can meet up for makan

    twilight zone
    I do miss nasi lemak .. more pics coming up

    Thanks chris

    thanks buddy

    Yeah I am zonked out and I hope I am ready for work next week

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