Hello from Singapore

Hi I have landed in Singapore and am now waiting to board the plane to Kolkata, Calcutta which will be departing at 9 pm Singapore time. A lot of traveling to do when I reach India. I am very excited about this trip and what God will do.

Over and out 🙂

~ by sbanboy on November 3, 2008.

4 Responses to “Hello from Singapore”

  1. India…. very scary flight..

  2. Welcome! There are free internet PCs in the airport terminal.

  3. have a good trip. take lots of pics 🙂

  4. Chris
    Yup it was scary … I pity the air stewards … it was not an easy crowd to handle

    las montanas
    I will be in Singapore next weekend I think 🙂

    Took more than a thousand pictures

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