Dinner with sis and bro in law

My sis and bro in law took me out for an early birthday dinner …. we were cracking out heads where to go and finally decided to go to TGIF at Subang Parade. We decided to share 2 set meals among the 3 of us because we know that the portions are HUGE!
Sorry I forgot to bring my Fuji camera so will just have to make do with my Sammy i780 camera 🙂

Burp! Good thing we did not order too many sets…or else we will have to tapau to bring home.

These are the precious time that I will treasure in my heart.

~ by sbanboy on October 28, 2008.

7 Responses to “Dinner with sis and bro in law”

  1. im hungry….

    TGIF famous in Mud pie……. you should try it one day…


  2. I love TGIF’s desserts! And the Jack Daniel’s salmon! Yum yum.

  3. Yummy! TGIF… :d miss my favor Long Island Tea.

  4. Oh My, I was so dead tired that I forgot to wish u happy birthday.

    And I had even forgotten to bring along the birthday card that Danial had asked me to pass to you…


    Anyway, happy birthday Bro.

  5. Had the Shrimp Martini last time. Not bad I should say. 🙂

  6. Happy Bird-Day! How come they didn’t ask you to stand on the chair to sing lullabies?

  7. william h
    Come one day we go TGIF 🙂

    day dreamer
    I should try it someday 🙂

    I shud try that too 🙂

    thanks bro

    I like it too but they only gave us 5 shrimps 😦

    twilight zone
    Too fat and old to stand on the chair … it might break …hehe

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