Slowly settling down in the new place

Today is day 3 of life in my new department ….. so different from what I am use to do … now I am mostly doing paperwork but it is a welcomed change in my life. My working hours are more regular now …. I am free on weekends and public holidays ( unless I am attending a conference or a workshop on the weekends ). I am not so tired after work. I can finally catch up with myself, family and friends.

Now I can finally plan to take up some courses which had always been on my mind…. especially piano classes ( as I have inherited my sister’s digital piano ) so that one day I can start serving God in church by playing the piano.

I hope I get the hang of things soon.

~ by sbanboy on September 2, 2008.

12 Responses to “Slowly settling down in the new place”

  1. u’ll be doin just fine!!

  2. Glad that you’re feeling better in this job. All the best! Things will go on track soon enough. 🙂

  3. Glad to hear that. All the best in your future undertakings.

  4. what about scuba diving classes!!???

  5. hej! bro…hope you will have a great time there, new, experience, new task, new colleague, new environment…gambate!

  6. Bro, u can start your healthy lifestyle… get a gym membership and start the workout … :->

    Remember my birthday present for next year … a change in your lifestyle –> A healthy one :-p

  7. hi! how’re u doing? your new life sounds enticing… especially the free weekends!! envy-nya!!! -pohfei

  8. Great!! Finally you are out of the hell work place. 🙂

  9. on the contrary, i think after some time filling forms in the office, you will be itching to do clinical work.

    how else to get the brain working again??

  10. jerry maguire jr
    Thanks bro

    I hope so too


    Scuba diving ah ???? Yeah yeah I can finally do it now 😀

    danial ma
    I hope so too … thanks

    I wont forget your bday wish and I know what I must do .. it is taking the first step … 😦

    Yup free on the weekends 🙂

    I hope I did not hop into another hell 😉

    My brain is working overtime now 🙂

  11. Why don’t you trying singing?

  12. las montanas
    Maybe I should … hehe

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