Sushi King with TZ

Met up with TZ before he flies off to Africa to work for 20 months. We met while blog hopping …. and we try to get together for a meal once in a while to catch up on what is happening on each other’s life. TZ is the one who has been the one always nagging me to work out ….. trying to get me to join Fitness First etc.

We decided to meet up at Sushi King as he was having his gym work over there in the shopping complex while I was on my way back from work. I was stuck in the jam for 2 hours today due to the heavy rain ( man … I miss Labuan where there is no jam … πŸ™‚ )

TZ was very excited to show me his new toy a VR Nikon lens 18-200 mm … a nice piece of work πŸ™‚ I managed to try out the lens. I was armed with my small Fuji Finepix compact camera which had been my constant companion since I purchased it.

TZ showing me a night shot of the KLCC Twin Towers
Some of my macro shots πŸ™‚

TZ in action
Wah …. green tea soya milk …. I did not try it

TZ and me πŸ™‚

Take k my friend and keep in touch … will miss you when you are off in Africa

~ by sbanboy on June 4, 2008.

4 Responses to “Sushi King with TZ”

  1. Hey bro, greeting u in the name of Jesus. Shalom.

    I pretty like your Fuji camera. Dad agreed that it takes great photos. how much did u buy it>

  2. hej! whoaahhh…i miss sushi and the green tea soybean drink must be nice…i tried green tea with milk in bangkok last time and it tasted great…

  3. Thanks for the dinner arrangement… looking forward to see u in Uganda eh! :->

    [Danial][ma], Starbucks carry the green tea with milk… i tasted and i like it so much :->

  4. hello, the marco shot i think can get closer look hehe, but anyway i get to read your blog from TZ, i felt so interesting whereby know each other from blog and gathered, sound interesting. anyway nice reading blog. can we exchange blogroll?

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