Finally got off my fat butt and went to gym this morning :)

It had been ages since I went to the gym …. yup I am still paying for the membership fees … my personal trainer gave up calling me to come for the training sessions….. I stopped during Chinese New Year ….. been thinking of going back many times. Got up this morning and I decided that I needed to go to the gym. I am the kinda of guy who likes my own privacy and a crowded gym is a big turn off for me. So I figured if I am in USJ during the weekends, I will head to the gym in the mornings. So this morning … I went … it was nice .. quiet … no “q”s to wait for the weight machine or the cross trainer … pure bliss … but I guess eventually I will need to work up enough courage to blend in with the crowd if I am to ever lose weight and regain my health. So here I was working up a sweat … my heart monitor telling me that I am in the fat burning zone …. and it felt good … yup it had been a long time since I felt this good ….. I mean physically… I gotta keep this up. I even have a friend who is trying to ask me to sell off my membership to one of his friends.

TZ had been nagging at me for ages and he even obtained a free one week pass to come train at my gym … so I guess I will be seeing him one day.

I dont have the stamina yet … but I guess it is better late than never … and something is better than nothing .. so here goes … to a new ME … and hopefully it will help me to stay away when I am in library studying … šŸ™‚

My favorite workout machine … the cross trainer .. gentle on the joints .. but it gives a great whole body work out .. and I get to watch MTV or a movie.
Nice and quiet .. just the way I like it šŸ™‚

~ by sbanboy on September 22, 2007.

3 Responses to “Finally got off my fat butt and went to gym this morning :)”

  1. so did I, this morning… and my thighs are killin’ me! LOL!!

    cheers to more exercise!

  2. I went to TF Taipan to check out their packages too. But they offered me a fee that that wasn’t willing to pay ;p I am already a member in another club, but because my contract expired recently, thats why I head over to TF Taipan to look see. They want me to pay more than my current (expired) membership… might as well I continue to extend my membership at my current gym oni… lol…

  3. hey bro, glad to hear that you are going to the gym this morning…

    Keep it up… will meet you in True Fitness then šŸ™‚

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