I lost 2 kgs !!!!

Just got back from the gym ….. I weight myself and I lost like 2 kgs !!!!! in 3 weeks … hehe … if I keep this up …. I hope I wont be ” hangat hangat tahi ayam” ( hope the motivation will not be short lived ). Well it always feel great after a workout …… ok guys .. good night

~ by sbanboy on January 25, 2007.

11 Responses to “I lost 2 kgs !!!!”

  1. Wait for the seremban siew paus..

  2. Well done! Keep up the good work 🙂

  3. well done 😀
    dont curi makan after the workout, okie?
    else the effort will be wasted liao 🙂

  4. congrats! and keep it up. may we see Mr. Universe one day. (Not kidding ok)

    it is usual to lose between 1-3 kgs after a workout.. it could just be water loss. 😛

  5. huarrr, congratulations! I just cancelled my gym membership though, since I’ll be heading offshore. gotta settle for running ’round the neighbourhood now… *sigh*

    keep it up!

  6. hi wm,
    juz got back fr hospital & saw ur msg… not been really into the bloggin’ world lately but trying to ease back. Good to see you’re doing well… i still owe you a homecooked meal eh?

    keep in touch!


  7. lb
    waiting for u to come to Seremban and hantam siew paus … hehe

    thanks for dropping by …. hope I can keep it up 😀

    hehe … cutting down on supper liow 😀

    las montanas
    Erm I weighed myself before I went to the gym … hehe… hopefully it is not just water lost … hehe

    Ayo I dont want to be Mr Universe … just wanna be toned and be able to buy a new wardrobe. …. hehe

    Hey I thought fitness first have branches overseas …..

    Thanks for dropping by … need to catch up sometime … when u gonna cook for me … hehe

  8. there are, but it’s cheaper if I join the Fitness First gym in Sydney itself than keep the one here. plus there are limits to how many times I can use the overseas one in a month, must get their passport thingy as well, so mahfan. if all else fails, I’ll just go jogging on the beach, whoppee!

  9. may
    Wah so many limitations one ah … yeah better to join over there 😀

  10. Uahh.. inspires me again! Can I be your weight control buddy ah? I also need to watch my weight. Haha.

  11. bernard
    Hey thanks for dropping …. sure u can be my weight control buddy … hehe but u so far away woh … how ah ?

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